SAU1_106-2 Photo Story : Resting in Asia University

    Every hard working college student will have a lot of stress to get a good grade. In the classroom, you always can see that they cloister themselves away with their books, thus, they often forget that "Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey. " And our team member, Wendy, her major is Nursing department, she dreams to be a nurse when she was young. So obviously, she will try hard to full fill her dream. Although, Wendy is one of the hardworking students, unlike some hard working students who is stressful for grade. She has her personal way to relax.

    After our discussion about where we can relax in Asia University. We found that there are so many places which is overlapped. Beside, everyone has their own reasons for why they chose these places to relax. Anyway, Bella's reason is more special than ours, so we think Bella is the best person to introduce these places we recommend. At the same time, Bella will also explain, to her, what the meaning of these places is. Hope this advice can help all the hard working students of Asia University.

    Here is the shadow next to the sports field. Maybe is just a place for you to exercise, however, it means a lot for me. When I was a senior high student, I went to sports field to jog and peeked the boy I like playing balls with his friends after school every day. And sometimes I can even play with him, it was my happiest time in senior high school. Therefore, whenever I stay and look at the sports field, it always reminds me of the wonderful time that makes me feel comfortable and relaxed.

    And this is a secret garden next to Tai Chi Lake and Rose Garden, one of my favorite places to stare blankly. Whenever I look into the lake surface, it always makes me peaceful. With the breeze tenderly blowing on my face, the fragrance of roses stimulates my nose, and the sound of nature, it's such a wonderful paradise that you and I shouldn't miss it, right?

    During our school lives, sometimes, we may suffering from stress and anxiety. Except doing some sport or leisure activities we are interested in, we can also relaxed our mind by enjoy in beautiful scenes surrounding us. No matter how tired you are, please remember, there are still many unknown places which are very wonderful that waiting for us to discover in our school. Feeling the soothing atmosphere, and that's your paradise.

105014077 心理系2B 邱鈺婷 Bella
105015020 護理系2A 李紋君 Wendy
105054302 時尚系(精品)2A 陳禹璇 Emma



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SAU1 Blog Post 3 : What is the Meaning of Life and What is my Purpose?

SAU1_106-2 Blog Post 2 : Resting in Asia University