SAU1 Blog Post 3 : What is the Meaning of Life and What is my Purpose?

    What is the meaning of life?
    Most of the people may never thought about this question, but I'm very sure the meaning of everyone's life is different than others. Helen Adams Keller, an American author, political activist, and lecturer once said, ''life is either a daring adventure or nothing.'' For me, live is an adventure in a unknown place, you can't predict what kind of scenes you will see. During this adventure, we may meet different people, get into troubles, or discover some wonderful scenery that others never find. Whatever you see during this adventure, don't be afraid or evade the troubles, all we need to do is face up to it . 
    I hope that I can never give up for anything, look on the sunny side of everything than make all my memories to wonderful experience, and will live a life that I won't regret. To be a person that I will proud of myself is my only purpose.



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