SAU1_106-2 Blog Post 1 : False Flag Terrorism & 9/11

    False flag is an operation means “hiding one's real identity” or “hiding who really did something.” Nowadays, it often refers to a political situation, but with the same idea of disinformation. In order to achieve some goals, a government which attacks another country may try to hide its responsibility. It will do some activities to make it look like another country or group did it, creating the illusion that the real attacker looks innocent.

    As we know, 911 attacks is the most famous false flag operation. On the morning of September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda-affiliated hijackers flew two Boeing 767 jets into the North and South Towers; and two hours later, both of the towers had collapsed. Most of the media called this event as a kind of terrorist attack, but from many videos, we can see there were some inside jobs in the Twin Towers. The towers collapsed just as building implosion (the strategic placing of explosive material and timing of its detonation and collapses on itself in seconds), and caused damage as less as possible to immediate surroundings. This attack is a high profile event, it caused heavy casualties and also allow American government  to attack Afghanistan after people would get angry enough.

    We usually see one side of this story by news, but actually, the majority of the terrorist attacks are operation of false flag. When we search on the internet, we can find a lot of evidence that support the fact which always different from we believed. Many people are easy to be controlled by media, we should keep in mind that what we see are not the only answer of a situation, don't forget to look for the fact from another side.



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