SAU1 Final exam Project : Fans in My Eyes

    Fans, are people who always be enthusiastic about something or somebody. I'm a nine-year fan of a Korean band, in my opinion, it must be a positive word because of the mind that support to their favorite things. But at the same time, fans is usually associate with crazy, irrational or other negative adjective when people talk about it. Most of the incorrect behaviors from a few crazy fans always reported by media and make a harmful impression to the public. Actually, these information are different from what I see in the fandom, so that's the reason why I want to talk about some misunderstanding about fans.

Misunderstanding 1 : Getting Worse Grades
    As a student, we always be asking for receive good grades on our subject. Some people may consider that fans pay a lot of attention on their favorite singer will bring negative impact on their scores, just like how my parents think. But according to my and my friends' experience, star chasing can be a kind of motivation that support us to achieve a goal about getting more higher grades. Such like "If I finished my homework, I can watch some programs.", or "If I got third place of my class in this semester, I could buy a new album." Even more, star chasing sometimes engage our interest of learning new skills (photography, photo editing, video making and more), new language (Korean, Japanese, English, Chinese and more) and how to managing finances. 

Misunderstanding 2 : Being Idolatrous
    There is a saying goes "Even Homer sometimes nods." Making mistakes is something we all do, instead of talking way out of it, we need to face, accept and improve the mistakes. When the celebrities make mistakes, some fans will make excuses for them, can't distinguish right from wrong and try their best to protect their favorite artists. This kind of fans are the minority, most of fans are sensible. But it will be very distinct if there is a fan still argue about the right and wrong in hundreds of people. That's why fans always make a Idolatrous impression to the public. For celebrities and their fans, the best action is be low profile and keep silence.

Misunderstanding 3 : Losing Ourselves
    Some people will forget their goals, their dreams and even losing themselves when they are following the artists. But most people never forget they all have their own lives. A member of my favorite band has said that "Do not regard following the stars as the only thing in you life." I always keep these words in my mind. For me, star chasing is like a kind of moral support, this positive energy will help you to achieve your goals just like how your family support you.

    Finally, what I want to say is fans are not that ignorant like people generally believed, we have our own goal in our lives. Being a fan of my favorite band for over nine years, I'm still following my future plan, never lose myself.
    "I'm a fan of Super Junior, called E.L.F (Ever Lasting Friend/Family)."
    I wish someday, my family, my teachers and my friends will be proud of me, and I can tell everyone, except my family, teachers and friends, my favorite singer are the most important people that support me to success.



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