SAU1_106-2 Blog Post 3 : The Evolution of AI

    Just as I have told in another blog, artificial intelligence, also called "Machine Intelligence", is a kind of intelligent behavior by machine which different from the natural intelligence of human or animals. People can use artificial intelligence to do a lot of  things by setting up some procedure in the machine. Artificial intelligence can not only reduce the mistakes during work, but also promote our working efficiency.

       With the development of scientific and technological progress, people invented different kind of AI. Especially, people contribute themselves to design all the kind of robots recently. People usually input the regular command in the robots, but there is a video showing an unexpected event. A child climbing a shelf which filled with boxes, and as the shelf begins to fall and may hurt the child, a  robot moves towards and raises its arm to prevents the shelf from falling down to the child. It an accident that we can't predict, but the robot make a action to protect the child. It's really different from the regular steps that people had set up. Did that robot become consciously aware?

    In some science fiction movies, animations and novels, AI have their own awareness. With the rapid development of science and technology, I believe that human's image will be true in the future. Some people may think that if AI have their own awareness, they will threaten the humanity. But in my opinion, a thing is threatening or not is depending on how we treat them. Not only AI, but also all of the species in the world.



SAU1 Blog Post 2 : How does Artificial Intelligence Affect Our Economy

SAU1 Blog Post 3 : What is the Meaning of Life and What is my Purpose?

SAU1_106-2 Blog Post 2 : Resting in Asia University