
目前顯示的是 2018的文章

SAU1_106-2 Photo Story : Resting in Asia University

    Every hard working college student will have a lot of stress to get a good grade. In the classroom, you always can see that they cloister themselves away with their books, thus, they often forget that "Taking a break is for accomplishing a longer journey. " And our team member, Wendy, her major is Nursing department, she dreams to be a nurse when she was young. So obviously, she will try hard to full fill her dream. Although, Wendy is one of the hardworking students, unlike some hard working students who is stressful for grade. She has her personal way to relax.     After our discussion about where we can relax in Asia University. We found that there are so many places which is overlapped. Beside, everyone has their own reasons for why they chose these places to relax. Anyway, Bella's reason is more special than ours, so we think Bella is the best person to introduce these places we recommend. At the same time, Bella will also explain, to her, what the meanin

SAU1_106-2 Blog Post 3 : The Evolution of AI

    Just as I have told in another blog, artificial intelligence, also called "Machine Intelligence", is a kind of intelligent behavior by machine which different from the natural intelligence of human or animals. People can use artificial intelligence to do a lot of  things by setting up some procedure in the machine. Artificial intelligence can not only reduce the mistakes during work, but also promote our working efficiency.        With the development of scientific and technological progress, people invented different kind of AI. Especially, people contribute themselves to design all the kind of robots recently. People usually input the regular command in the robots, but there is a video showing an unexpected event. A child climbing a shelf which filled with boxes, and as the shelf begins to fall and may hurt the child, a  robot moves towards and raises its arm to prevents the shelf from falling down to the child. It an accident that we can't predict, but the robo

SAU1_106-2 Blog Post 2 : Resting in Asia University

    During our school lives, sometimes, we may suffering from stress and anxiety. Except doing some sport or leisure activities we are interested in, we can also relaxed our mind by enjoy in beautiful scenes surrounding us. No matter how tired you are, please remember, there are still many unknown places which are very wonderful that waiting for us to discover in our school. Feeling the soothing atmosphere, and that's your paradise.

SAU1_106-2 Blog Post 1 : False Flag Terrorism & 9/11

    False flag is an operation means “hiding one's real identity” or “hiding who really did something.” Nowadays, it often refers to a political situation, but with the same idea of disinformation. In order to achieve some goals, a government which attacks another country may try to hide its responsibility. It will do some activities to make it look like another country or group did it, creating the illusion that the real attacker looks innocent.     As we know, 911 attacks is the most famous false flag operation. On the morning of September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda-affiliated hijackers flew two Boeing 767 jets into the North and South Towers; and two hours later, both of the towers had collapsed. Most of the media called this event as a kind of terrorist attack, but from many videos, we can see there were some inside jobs in the Twin Towers. The towers collapsed just as building implosion (the strategic placing of explosive material and timing of its detonation and collapses on itse

SAU1 Final exam Project : Fans in My Eyes

    Fans, are people who always be enthusiastic about something or somebody. I'm a nine-year fan of a Korean band, in my opinion, it must be a positive word because of the mind that support to their favorite things. But at the same time, fans is usually associate with crazy, irrational or other negative adjective when people talk about it. Most of the incorrect behaviors from a few crazy fans always reported by media and make a harmful impression to the public. Actually, these information are different from what I see in the fandom, so that's the reason why I want to talk about some misunderstanding about fans. Misunderstanding 1 : Getting Worse  Grades     As a student, we always be asking for receive good grades on our subject. Some people may consider that fans pay a lot of attention on their favorite singer will bring negative impact on their scores, just like how my parents think. But according to my and my friends' experience, star chasing can be a kind of motivati

SAU1 Blog Post 5: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

    People use ''money'', like banknotes, coins or precious metals to trade with others for a long time, we use money to get the stuff that we need in our daily lives. But after the financial crisis, people started thinking about how to improve the monetary system. So that's how more and more people prefer use the cryptocurrencies, as a medium of exchange and blockchain to complete the transaction.      Bitcoin is the first decentralized cyptocurrency invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. It is a kind of  digital coin which store in the digital wallet on computers or smartphones, we can sent it through the internet to buy things. Compare with other currency, bitcoin has a lot of advantages. The first one is, bitcoin is a worldwide payment system, people can use it in every country. The second one is. bitcoins are transferred from person to person through the net, not going through the banks or other agencies. So people don't need to pay for the fees, and als