
In Ancient Greece, democracy was a system that only adult male citizens who had a land ownership could participate in. Nowadays, democracy is that everyone should have equal opportunities to make decisions for all of the society, no matter who you are. But does it really mean “everyone” can take part in equally in all of the decision-making processes?

For instance, there is a presidential election for elector to select which presidential candidate they want to lead the country for every four years. But how could these people become a candidate? In my own opinion, most of the candidates are rich, or even have strong political background. For this reason ,they have more capability to join in political activities than other people who has no power in political circle, above all, the power are still holding in the minority’s hands in this situation, the rulers may not listen to the public about their needs .

To sum up, modern democracy is still controlled by money and power. In order to implement the democratic-system completely, we still have to put more effort into our modern democracy. As the saying goes, “The first step is always the hardest.” We should be never give up. Believe that we would achieve the democracy justice in the near future.



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