
目前顯示的是 2017的文章

SAU1 Blog Post 4 - Redefining and Living the Word "Optimism"

    Our lives may be sixty years, seventy years, or even longer. But no matter how long, we all will encounter some situations that looks not so bright, especially when we run into challenges, accidents or difficulties. For me, I believe that I can make things go better if I always entertain a hope in my mind. Always be hopeful is like a kind of faith that support me to face up to any troubles with courage. Compare to be anxious about the result, I prefer to be optimism and work hard during the process. Some people have said, ''Fear less, hope more, and all good things will be yours ! '', I regard this sentence as my motto, expect for a more wonderful future. Dictionary definition of Optimism: Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something. New definition for Optimism: Be hopeful just as a kind of faith that support myself to face up to any troubles with courage.

SAU1 Blog Post 3 : What is the Meaning of Life and What is my Purpose?

    What is the meaning of life?     Most of the people may never thought about this question, but I'm very sure the meaning of everyone's life is different than others.  Helen Adams Keller , an American author, political activist, and lecturer once said, ''life is either a daring adventure or nothing.'' For me, live is an adventure in a unknown place, you can't predict what kind of scenes you will see. During this adventure, we may meet different people, get into troubles, or discover some wonderful scenery that others never find. Whatever you see during this adventure, don't be afraid or evade the troubles, all we need to do is face up to it .      I hope that I can  n ever give up for anything, look on the sunny side of everything than  make all my memories to wonderful experience, and  will live a life that I won't regret . To be a person that I will proud of myself is my only purpose.

Midterm Poster : Overusing Technology - Smartphone Addict

Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives. It has become a part of our daily lives, what we see beside us are all about technology. Using smartphone can be a way for us to utilize technology. We can do many things by smartphone such like finish our school assignments, communicate with friends, stay connected with our family while we at school. Nowadays, people depend on smartphone for more convenient lives, but there may cause some problems if we overuse it.         The bad habit of using smartphone may make people's interpersonal relationship getting worse, because the conversation between friends or family will reduced and the relationship became indifferent. Overusing the smartphone  may   cause some disease such like  headaches, neck pain, dry eyes, and even threaten our security if we use technology in a wrong place and wrong time. So to prevent these situat

SAU1 Blog Post 2 : How does Artificial Intelligence Affect Our Economy

Artificial intelligence, also called "Machine Intelligence", is a kind of intelligent behavior by machine which different from the natural intelligence of human or animals . People can use a rtificial intelligence to do a lot of things by setting up some procedure in the machine . Artificial intelligence can not only reduce the mistakes during work, but also promote our working efficiency. Nowadays, many people using artificial intelligence in our society. For instance, machine of the production line in factories, a system that can detect danger, and so on. Even the robots which the researchers keep considering are all related to artificial intelligence. Machines and robots operate with less mistakes and more efficiently, so more and more proprietors use artificial intelligence to produce products rather than hire employees. To proprietors ' position , using artificial intelligence is a better way to earn profit and even strengthen the economy. But to employee

SAU1 Blog Post 1 : The 6th Mass Extinction

    The scientists called the mass extinction that is currently taking place on Earth ''The 6th Mass Extinction'', or “The Holocene Extinction”. It is a kind of widespread and continuous extinction in Holocene, the youngest geological epoch. Most of the major extinctions are happened in the highly biodiverse habitats like rain forest and coral reefs, and there are a large number of plants and animals, such as mammals, birds, and other species were died away.     Nowadays, the human overpopulation and over-consumption cause a huge damage to our environment. Human using the chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, cutting the forests or other tings on agriculture and industry for more and more economic gain, which will lead habitat loss and climate change. Even in some parts of the world, poachers are hunting rare species for wildlife parts like rhino horn and elephant ivory. These kinds of the deed make the current rate of extinction of species is estimated at 100 to 1

About Field Trip

May 10 th , we had a field trip to Liyutan Reservoir in Puli, Nantou. It is a natural lake in the mountains. We walked around the lake and saw many beautiful scenes and some peacocks, rabbits in the fences. Also, the vendor told me there are some interesting legends about Liyutan Reservoir. Before we came back to school, I ate an ice pop with my friends, I felt relax in the breeze.                           

How Would Basic Income Affect University Students

Nowadays, most of student must get at least bachelor degree if they want to work into a better company. But there are some problems during the course of their schooling.  some students need to take part-time jobs because they need to pay for the tuition fee, rent or to have extra money pay for their living expense. Because of working, they often have the less time to spend on their study than other students, that who don’t need to work and study at the same time. But with basic income, these students may not need to spend that much time on taking part-time jobs. Basic Income can be used for paying their tuition fee or rent. And if they want, they can use the money from part-time jobs to support their living expense or even quit the jobs. The students will have more time to pay attention on their study, have the longer time to take a rest and they can even get more time to keep their hobbies.

Basic Income and Birth Rate

In the modern society, there are some serious problems that we need to pay more and more attention and solve them as soon as possible. And the decline of the birth rate is one of the important issue in all of the country. Many husband and wife nowadays have no plan to have children. There are some reasons cause this situation. One of the reason is due to the keep-rising price of everything. It cause most of them do not have that much salary to raise a child. So that’s why the economic pressure is the main reason that cause the low birth rate. But if with basic income and double pay from the husband and wife, this money may be enough to keep a child and deposit money to buy a car or new house. People can not only release their economic pressure, but also can even solve the problem of fewer children in our society.

How Would Basic Income Change People's Choice

According to the last article about Basic Income and Human Right, let’s have an in-depth discussion about it. Many people in the world need to work very hard just for a little money. They have no choice because they need money to buy some food, clean water and other things to support their daily lives. They often spend most of their time on their work, so that is the reason why these people can’t use their time to do whatever they are interested in. But with basic income, people will have a minimum income to get the elements which will maintain their lives. After they can no longer worry about how to survive, they may have the choices to choose the jobs that related to their specialties or hobbies. And they can even use their extra times to do some leisure activities like reading, watching movies or picnicking ,to name but a few.

Basic Income and Human Rights

    Basic Income  is a kind of public welfare which is from the government, and it paid for all the adults in the country every month to support their lives without doing any means test or work requirement.     Just like what I had said in the article about Human Rights. To maintain our most important human rights—the right to life, we need money to buy the elements like food, clean water, and more things. With basic income, we can not only support our lives, but also can improve the quality of life by working ourselves.     If the government implement the policy of basic income, the goods points are the problems about wealth inequality may be solved, and people may have more time to do whatever they interested in without worry about their daily life. But also, how does the government get that much money to pay for all of the adults in the country, and people will lose their work willingness, even cause economic depression or not are still the issues that the government needs

Final Exam Discussion on Basic Income


Midterm Poster:Basic Income


Wealth Inequality and Human Rights

Last time, I had said that the wealth inequality is caused by the democracy. And this time, I’m going to talk about the severe wealth inequality and human rights. Wealth inequality means the extreme wealth disparity between the rich and the poor. The minority can own the most of the money in our society, and in other words, the majority owns the rest of the money. And how about the human rights? In my opinion, human rights are the legal entitlements that let us to have the opportunity to live equally. But what is the connection between these two? Actually, all human beings should be born free and equal in dignity and rights, but there are still billions of people do not have the opportunity to live equally. This is a serious problem that caused by money. For instance, to maintain our most important human rights—the right to life, we need food, fresh air, clean water and other elements to support our lives. But to get these things for survival, we need money. Without money, we can’