
目前顯示的是 10月, 2017的文章

SAU1 Blog Post 2 : How does Artificial Intelligence Affect Our Economy

Artificial intelligence, also called "Machine Intelligence", is a kind of intelligent behavior by machine which different from the natural intelligence of human or animals . People can use a rtificial intelligence to do a lot of things by setting up some procedure in the machine . Artificial intelligence can not only reduce the mistakes during work, but also promote our working efficiency. Nowadays, many people using artificial intelligence in our society. For instance, machine of the production line in factories, a system that can detect danger, and so on. Even the robots which the researchers keep considering are all related to artificial intelligence. Machines and robots operate with less mistakes and more efficiently, so more and more proprietors use artificial intelligence to produce products rather than hire employees. To proprietors ' position , using artificial intelligence is a better way to earn profit and even strengthen the economy. But to employee

SAU1 Blog Post 1 : The 6th Mass Extinction

    The scientists called the mass extinction that is currently taking place on Earth ''The 6th Mass Extinction'', or “The Holocene Extinction”. It is a kind of widespread and continuous extinction in Holocene, the youngest geological epoch. Most of the major extinctions are happened in the highly biodiverse habitats like rain forest and coral reefs, and there are a large number of plants and animals, such as mammals, birds, and other species were died away.     Nowadays, the human overpopulation and over-consumption cause a huge damage to our environment. Human using the chemicals like pesticides, herbicides, cutting the forests or other tings on agriculture and industry for more and more economic gain, which will lead habitat loss and climate change. Even in some parts of the world, poachers are hunting rare species for wildlife parts like rhino horn and elephant ivory. These kinds of the deed make the current rate of extinction of species is estimated at 100 to 1